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My Toolset

January 24, 2014

I always enjoy reading posts about the tools and software people use for web development and design. Of course workflow and toolsets are always evolving but I feel in the past 12 months I have refined mine to a stage where I am happy to share them. And yes, there are some affiliate links below. […]

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Why I Changed My Code Editor

January 8, 2014

For as long as I have been developing with WordPress and PHP I have used a code editor that has had good FTP support for uploading files to my servers. Up until 2009 BM (Before Mac) I used NotePad++ which is a great, lightweight text editor with FTP functionality. When I purchased my MacBook Pro […]

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Setting default media attachment settings in WordPress

April 26, 2013

If you are building WordPress sites for clients and want to make sure that, whenever they add images into post or page content, the images are not wrapped in links and are of a certain size, then this is for you. WordPress has a hidden options page which allows you to directly edit the options […]

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Announcing Cartogram, a Google Maps WordPress Plugin

February 25, 2013

This plugin allows you to create unlimited Google Maps that you can place in your posts, pages or theme template files using a shortcode. You can then customise a map by adding unlimited locations to the map. Map Features Complete control of the map position by using an address, adding a marker or entering a […]

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Announcing Chronos, the ultimate WordPress Plugin to Manage TimelineJS

January 24, 2013

To we released our new premium WordPress plugin Chronos on CodeCanyon. Chronos is the ultimate WordPress plugin to create and manage awesome timelines using the JavaScript plugin TimelineJS. You can have a try of the plugin at our demonstration site here.

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Announcing Plugin Demo, the Easiest way to Demonstrate your Premium Plugins

January 17, 2013

We have just released a new plugin which allows you to turn a WordPress site into a demonstration site for a plugin you have created. Check it out!

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Go To Line Keyboard Shortcut in Coda 2

December 5, 2012

The majority of my coding is done on a Mac using Coda 2. But every now and again I find myself on a Windows machine hacking away using Notepad++. I get so used to jumping to line numbers in Notepad++ using Ctrl+G, that it was becoming extremely frustrating hitting Cmd+G in Coda 2 to find […]

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Recreating the old Google Analytics Dashboard

November 13, 2012

Not that long ago Google updated their analytics offering which included lots of new reporting and dashboard functionality. However, this meant they removed the old dashboard report and broke the workflow of many companies who sent this report to their clients. To solve this issue we have created a custom dashboard to replace the old […]

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Fixing Custom Login Pages in WordPress 3.4

July 4, 2012

If your WordPress blog has a customised WordPress login page and you have noticed some visual issues with it after upgrading to WordPress 3.4 then read on. Is your logo sized incorrrectly? This is due to WordPress giving support to higher resolution displays ( and therefore requiring the use of the CSS property background-size in […]

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June 30, 2012

This week I started working with , helping to maintain and develop their awesome WordPress plugins and products like the and . Dev7studio is run by Gilbert Pellegrom who has built up a successful business around his plugins. I look forward to the future working with him. All of Polevaultweb’s plugins, especially Instagrate Pro, will […]

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