When building WordPress sites for clients I generally try to use different environments for development, testing and deployment to live. This means that there are three areas of the site that need to be synchronised across environments; the code, the database and any media uploads for the site. Managing code deployments can be a smooth […]
Although I have built many WordPress plugins in the last few years, the plugins that are popular, continually developed and endure are those that prove useful to me personally and for my professional development. Pippin Williamson is a plugin author extraordinaire and has written about the subject of plugins that scratch an itch, where he […]
The number of plugins available for WordPress is mind-blowing but the more WordPress sites I build there are some plugins that I keep coming back to. Here are my go-to plugins. Limit Login Attempts For any site security is paramount and WordPress sites are no different. Limit Login Attempts is a simple but extremely effective […]
I recently migrated all of my sites to a new and whilst migrating the WordPress sites I decided to move the WordPress core files into their own directory. This is great for an uncluttered site root directory but during one of my migrations I came across an issue with cookies. intagrate.io is the marketing site […]
If you are building WordPress sites for clients and want to make sure that, whenever they add images into post or page content, the images are not wrapped in links and are of a certain size, then this is for you. WordPress has a hidden options page which allows you to directly edit the options […]
This plugin allows you to create unlimited Google Maps that you can place in your posts, pages or theme template files using a shortcode. You can then customise a map by adding unlimited locations to the map. Map Features Complete control of the map position by using an address, adding a marker or entering a […]
To we released our new premium WordPress plugin Chronos on CodeCanyon. Chronos is the ultimate WordPress plugin to create and manage awesome timelines using the JavaScript plugin TimelineJS. You can have a try of the plugin at our demonstration site here.
We have just released a new plugin which allows you to turn a WordPress site into a demonstration site for a plugin you have created. Check it out!
If your WordPress blog has a customised WordPress login page and you have noticed some visual issues with it after upgrading to WordPress 3.4 then read on. Is your logo sized incorrrectly? This is due to WordPress giving support to higher resolution displays (http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/20293) and therefore requiring the use of the CSS property background-size in […]
This week I started working with , helping to maintain and develop their awesome WordPress plugins and products like the and . Dev7studio is run by Gilbert Pellegrom who has built up a successful business around his plugins. I look forward to the future working with him. All of Polevaultweb’s plugins, especially Instagrate Pro, will […]